Fiber Module Viewer
The Fiber Module Viewer is the perfect addition to your database map management system. The Fiber Module Viewer allows you to provide cost effective access to your database for everyone who can benefit from the wide variety of reports and information available. All of the reporting and viewing functions that are available in the full version of the Fiber Module are also available in the Viewer. In addition to the ability to view and report on the database you will also have access to the batch plotting routine as well as all of the fiber tracing functions, including the OTDR trace. The only limitation is that you cannot change or update the data. Below is a list of some of the major features in the Fiber Module Viewer.
Features Include:
View the contents of any building, enclosure, equipment, or cable in your fiber optic circuit
Trace fiber between any splice locations
View signal levels at key points throughout the system
View and report on usage details on individual fibers, bundles or cables
View and report on customers on individual fibers, bundles or cables
View and report on priority customers to speed repairs for the most important fibers
View “fiber tic marks” at strategic locations
Perform and graphically record OTDR trace locations for quick and accurate repairs
View service records for all fiber cables and equipment
View details of splice trays and fiber positions in each tray at splice locations
Use the batch plot routine to quickly output prints with up to date title block data
Inside Plant Includes:
View 3d Room layouts, including rows, racks, shelves, cards and raceways.
Reports Include:
Fiber Trace (Drawing) – AutoCAD drawing automatically generated showing individual fibers by color and name, including equipment and splice connections
Fiber Trace (Highlight & Text) – Trace an individual fiber from end to end
Equipment Trace (Drawing) – AutoCAD drawing automatically generated showing equipment connected at each end of the fiber and losses resulting from splitter locations along the way
Equipment Trace (Text) – Trace a fiber path from the equipment at one end to the equipment at the other end. Trace will be highlighted on the map
Dark Fiber Report (Drawing) – Show all fibers not used between any pair of splice enclosures
OTDR Trace (Drawing) – A graphical marker is automatically placed on the drawing, set at the proper optical distance from the trace origination
BOM (Excel) – A complete bill of materials for either the entire database or within a user specified boundary
Splice Report (Excel) – Complete splice matrix report at any splice location
Repair Report (Excel) – At any point along a cable, show the customers on the fibers, sorted by priority
Usage Report (Excel) – Report the number of fibers for each usage for a cable or cables
Loss Budget Report (Excel) – Show the total loss budget for all Nodes connected to the Head End
Customer List (Excel) – Show all customers located on a fiber, bundle or cable
Tray Report – (Text) List fibers in a specific tray
NAP Address (Text) – Network Access Point (NAP) address report